Make your smart product valuable!
What challenges had to be solved and what concrete benefits did this bring?

What were the concrete benefits?

How can the industry 4.0 solution approach be described?

What could be achieved?

What measures were taken to achieve the solution?

What can others learn from it?
No gain without pain! To take necessary risks as a freelancer means: 3 years of self-study "fulltime" at your own expense. 2. be prepared to constructively question inner values and, if necessary, discover new ones and adjust your new behaviour accordingly. Think and act interdisciplinarily in order to set off for new shores. Or in other words: It's about new cultures, characterized by openness, curiosity and if possible even enthusiasm for smart technologies. "We should not ask, can machines think, but rather what can machines do?" (AI pioneer Alan Turing)
- Neuroscientifically, the theory says that a maximum of 20% of people are prepared to courageously go ahead with something new. My expertise shows: This theory clearly applies to the hard facts out there in mechanical engineering; out of 10 mechanical engineers, 8 gave me a basket! What explanation do I have? Keyword: Blind spot in mechanical engineering. One is blinded by the current export success of predominantly purely mechanical products and does not really believe that since 2007 almost all hardware manufacturers in Dow Jones have been passed on to the back. Means for me: Stay on the ball, the way is right!
Highlights of the application
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Apple App Store
Google Play Store
Lars Zimmermann -
Technical implementation:
Edmund Elzer -
In-App purchase per generated PDF 2,29 € net
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing Lars Zimmermann (51)
Family father with 3 children from Salzgitter, Germany
Consulting, coaching and training of
DACH machine and plant manufacturers
Top speaker with smart, interactive impulse lectures
Practical expertise at KSB AG as a sales engineer
Quality Leadership 4.0 - 1 Month Free!
We have already experienced several start-ups in recent years with groundbreaking innovations a la Uber. And the headlines of these former start-ups do not stop. But even established companies like Google are making wondrous headlines in foreign markets. What is the secret? How do nobodys manage to get out of nowhere and kick giants out of the race by magic? The answer sounds as banal as it is ingenious: they serve the customer needs of their target group with a completely new excellence 4.0!
By taking advantage of sales features such as the personalized user experience or the ultimate customer service, they playfully trump competitors of old 3.0 technology. However, we must not forget that 4.0 technology enables us to meet previously unimagined customer needs. For example, a cell phone battery does not have to last longer than 10 hours - as long as the cell phone can read their thoughts (eye tracking), two hours are enough to take the butter from the bread of established technology leaders.
All of this would be so easy and effortless to achieve if technical competence were not a prerequisite. For departments like design, the technical know-how may lie in the cradle, but sales has other competences that fill the working day. For sales people it is a painful difficulty to translate the new achievements of the products of the Fourth Industrial Revolution into benefits. This is due on the one hand to the technology itself and on the other hand to the new areas of application. Smart products have long since ceased to be used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the company's task. Likewise tasks of the data management, the personal service or the support of the users in their social self-realization rank to the Portfolio 4.0.
The selling / SmartCoach Dipl. -Wirtsch. - engineer Lars Zimmermann of set itself the goal of clearing technical Vertrieblern those difficulties completely from the way. In smart way Vertriebler are to have a kind of digital assistants at their side, which helps them with the requirement determination. By this assistance each Vertriebler can offer still during the customer discussion a product. The company thus gains quality leadership 4.0. The Nutzen-Kompass app systematically analyzes the customer's needs in order to equip the product with smart USPs. The product features correspond perfectly to the customer's needs, so that the generated demand cleverly stands out from the competition. Sales people who use the Nutzen-Kompass app can look forward to three benefits: 1. The demand determined by smart shows their own company as a quality leader 4.0. 2. The determination of demand is assisted and thus ensures excellent digital expertise. 3. the margin inevitably increases and so does the negotiating power vis-à-vis customers.
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